The Pharmaceuticals Inhaler Device Testing group at MSP, a Division of TSI®, is a leading player in the OINDP industry, offering a wide range of products, services and consulting to pharmaceutical companies. We have teamed up with Copley Scientific to offer complete systems for APSD and DDU testing and provide state-of-the-art automation equipment that improves data reliability and consistency.

  • Specialize in generic drug development equipment like AIM and IVIVC equipment
  • Expert team with vast knowledge, experience, and partnerships with industry leaders
  • Stay updated with governing regulations, industry expectations and best practices

Looking forward to welcoming you at our table at RDD 2024!

MSP Corporation, a Division of TSIĀ®
5910 Rice Creek Parkway
Suite 300
Shoreview, MN 55126

Phone(651) 287 8100

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Products and Services

NGI/NGI+ The Gold Standard for Inhalation Pharmaceutical APSD Characterization

The Next Generation Impactor (NGI), an industry-standard cascade impactor for 20 years, with 1800+ units in use, meets USP guidelines. Designed for OINDP, it's the most efficient for APSD testing. NGI+ uses the same design but with more durable materials, expanding its applications. More Info

In Vitro – In Vivo Correlation IVIVC Equipment

MSP offers advanced IVIVC equipment, crucial for predictive modeling in pharmaceutical development. With FDA draft guidance emphasizing IVIVC for generic drug development, our systems feature anatomically representative features like the Alberta Idealized Throat and customizable breathing simulators, reducing costs and risks in clinical trials. More Info

Automated Inhaler and Spray Control Systems

MSP offers Vertus III, Vertus III+, and DecaVertus III, ensuring highly reproducible and reliable testing. These automated solutions measure and report various variables (such as environmental variables like temperature or humidity, batch/lot number, time of day, analyst conducting the test, etc.), ensuring consistency and precision in testing for MDIs, nasal sprays, and nasal aerosols. More Info

EnviroMate™ Benchtop Environmental Chamber

EnviroMate™ is an affordable, compact, benchtop solution that addresses the challenges faced by analysts seeking to maintain stable environmental conditions for their DDU and APSD testing. EnviroMate™ is a cutting-edge solution tailored to meet the challenges of inhaler testing with precision, accuracy, and full control over environmental conditions. More Info

Gentle Rocker™ - Simplify Sample Preparation

The Gentle Rocker™ GR 200i agitates the NGI's cup tray to dissolve active drugs in solvent for analysis. This cost-effective tool streamlines sample preparation, eliminates risks of RSI, enhances testing consistency, and boosts productivity for MDI applications, featuring timer and integrated covers. More Info

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